

A division of Neff Law Firm, P.A.

East Metro:
523 Roseville Professional Center
2233 Hamline Avenue North
Roseville, Minnesota 55113

West Metro:
One Corporate Plaza, Suite 165
7400 Metro Boulevard
Edina, Minnesota 55439

Central Scheduling Telephone: 952-831-6555
Facsimile: 952-831-2711

Bankruptcy Law

Minnesota Bankruptcy Lawyers do both individual and joint bankruptcys

A-Basic-Legal-Service.Com, is a division of Neff Law Firm, P.A., that provides legal services involving bankruptcy and related matters at reasonable rates to people throughout the Twin Cities of Minneapolis, St. Paul, and surrounding communities in Minnesota. The firm has filed many individual bankruptcys and joint bankruptcys in the Minneapolis and St. Paul. The Minnesota bankruptcy lawyers at A-Basic-Legal-Service.Com have handled many consumer bankruptcy cases and related concerns, so they can help you dealwith this very important type of legal matter.

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Legal help for debtors in need of bankruptcy protection

It is important to review your particular financial situation with an attorney who understands the bankruptcy laws and how they may affect your particular situation. A Basic Legal Service has a St. Paul bankruptcy lawyers in its Roseville office and Minneapolis lawyers in its Edina office who can provide legal help for debtors in need of bankruptcy protection.

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Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

The Minnesota bankruptcy lawyers at A-Basic-Legal-Service.Com, a division of Neff Law Firm, P.A., understand the bankruptcy laws and can effectively and efficiently assist you if you are experiencing financial difficulty. An attorney from A-Basic-Legal-Service.Com will discuss with you the financial situation you are in and help you better understand your options. The attorney will discuss with you the different types of bankruptcy proceedings, such as Chapter 7 and Chapter 13, and how each may apply to your particular facts and circumstances. Questions related to situations with your secured and unsecured creditors will be reviewed as will your income and monthly expenses. If you have missed or are in danger of missing mortgage payments, automobile loan payments, contract for deed payments, other secured debt payments or have received notice from your mortgage company that it is considering foreclosure, it is especially important that you make an appointment to meet with a knowledgeable lawyer immediately. A-Basic-Legal-Service.Com, a division of Neff Law Firm,P.A., has convenient offices in Edina and Roseville to serve clients in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul and their surrounding communities in Minnesota.

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Twin Cities bankruptcy lawyers
providing legal help with consumer bankruptcies

At A-Basic-Legal-Service.Com, the lawyers recognize and understand the needs of people experiencing financial problems. These Twin Cities bankruptcy lawyers are sensitive to the anguish that people who are going through tough financial circumstances are feeling. A Basic Legal Service consumer Bankruptcy lawyers provide legal help to debtors feeling tremendous financial pressure who can qualify for a bankruptcy.

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Financial pressures related to Minnesota personal bankruptcy

Financial pressures such as adjustable rate mortgages that have changed rates so that a person can no longer meet his or her monthly financialobligations, mortgage forclosure, creditor harassment,illness, crushing medical expenses,loss of employment, job layoffs, reduction in work hours, separation, dissolution of marriage, an increase in child support obligations, debt problems, debt repayment,late fees, penalty charges on credit cards, credit cards that are maxed out, late payments,loan defaults,late charges, over limit fees, and/or predatory debt practices can present tremendous pressure on a person. The bankruptcy lawyers at A-Basic-Legal-Service.Com are knowledgeable and sensitive to these financial pressures and have the skill, knowledge and experience to help a person evaluate his or her financial situation to determine if debt relief may be available under the circumstances.

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Legal Assistance with Creditor Harrassment and other financial pressures

Pressure from overdue debt payments,late charges, financial penalty assessments, forclosure, predatory debt collection practices and other money related problems can present a terrible strain on a person. The experienced bankruptcy lawyers at A-Basic-Legal-Service.Com are available to provide legal help to people interested in exploring how to best deal with their serious debt problems under prevailing law. At the initial in person conferene a person can discusss their situation with an experienced bankruptcy lawyer from A-Basic-Legal-Service.Com. At that conference the person can learn about the current bankruptcy law including the financial criteria to qualify for debt relief, what property may be exempt, the status of secured creditors, unsecured loans, liens, forclosure and other relevant financial and legal issues related to their particular situation.

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Experienced Minneapolis bankruptcy lawyers and St. Paul bankruptcy lawyers

If you are experiencing financial problems, dealing with a bankruptcy and/or a related matter such as a mortgage foreclosure, creditor harassment, or predatory creditor practices, good legal help is essential. You need to know what your legal rights are and get legal help to protect those rights. Turn to an experienced Minneapolis bankruptcy lawyer or St. Paul bankruptcy lawyer at A Basic Legal Service who can help you protect you. Put the experience, dedication and knowledge of a Minnesota bankruptcy lawyer from A Basic Legal Service to work for you if you have a bankruptcy and/or related matter. Accurate legal advice from a lawyer at A-Basic-Legal-Service.Com could save you valuable time and money.

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Convenient offices in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area (Twin Cities)

Whether you live in Minneapolis, St. Paul, or in one of the communities surrounding the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota, call (952) 831-6555 to schedule an appointment with an attorney in either the Edina or Roseville, Minnesota, office of A-Basic-Legal-Service.Com, a division of Neff Law Firm, P.A., to get legal help today with your bankruptcy or related matter.

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Consumer Bankruptcy lawyers available for consultation

Neff Law Firm, P.A., has Minnesota bankruptcy lawyers who are experienced in helping people with their financial pressures and related concerns. These Minnesota consumer bankruptcy lawyers are available for consultation at convenient locations. The firm's Edina office has a well informed Minneapolis lawyer and its Roseville office has a well informed St. Paul lawyer that are available to discuss debtor-creditor matters. These Neff Law Firm, P.A., bankruptcy attorneys have assisted many people with financial concerns and related bankruptcy matters where it was needed. The Minnesota bankruptcy attorneys at Neff Law Firm, P.A, will help you assess your concerns and determine appropriate action. Experienced Twin Cities bankruptcy lawyers at Neff Law Firm, P.A., may be able to assist you if you are experiencing financial difficulties due to investments turning bad, overextended credit, adjustable rate mortgage that has changed rates so that it can not be paid, past due mortgage obligations, unpaid auto loans, creditor harassment, foreclosure, or other related concerns. Financial pressures can negatively impact a person’s life in many different ways. It is important to review your particular financial situation with a lawyer who understands the bankruptcy laws and how they may affect your particular situation.

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Information on Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy

The Minnesota bankruptcy attorneys at Neff Law Firm, P.A., in its Edina and Roseville offices have the knowledge, experience and dedication to efficiently and effectively help if you are undergoing financial difficulty and need the protection of filing for bankruptcy. A Twin Cities consumer bankruptcy attorney from Neff law Firm, P.A., will consult with you on your financial situation and discuss with you the options that are available to you. The Minnesota bankruptcy attorney will discuss with you the different types of bankruptcy proceedings, such as Chapter 7 and Chapter 13, and how each may apply to your circumstances. Questions related to situations with your secured and unsecured creditors may be reviewed as will as your income and monthly expenses. These Minnesota bankruptcy lawyers may be able to provide legal assistance if you have missed or are in danger of missing mortgage payments, automobile loan payments, contract for deed payments, other secured debt payments or have received notice from a mortgage company that you face the possilbilty of foreclosure.

Minnesota Personal bankruptcy lawyers in Edina and Roseville offices

A Basic Legal Service has experienced Minnesota personal bankruptcy lawyers at its Edina and Roseville offices. A well informed Minneapolis lawyer from the Edina office and a well informed St. Paul lawyer from the Roseville office of Neff Firm, P.A., are available for meetings to review a debtor's financial concerns and relevant bankruptcy law. A Basic Legal Service's, twin cities consumer Bankruptcy lawyers have helped many people with doing a bankruptcy. The experienced Minnesota bankruptcy lawyers at the firm's, Edina and Roseville offices in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area provide competent and compassionate legal help. These experienced Twin cities bankruptcy attorneys can help a person explore his or her legal rights and options in considering filing the protection available in a bankruptcy.

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Basic Bankruptcy Information

A Basic Legal Service is a division of Neff Law Firm, P.A., that is a Minnesota consumer bankruptcy law firm. Its twin cities bankruptcy attorneys have reviewed many people's financial situations and provided to them information on bankruptcy law. These Minnesota consumer bankruptcy lawyers are available to provide basic bankruptcy information and legal help where it is appropriate. The firm has a well informed Minneapolis lawyer at its Edina office and Well informed St. Paul lawyer at its Roseville office to meet and discuss basic bankruptcy concerns. These experienced twin cities bankruptcy attorneys can help a debtor assess his or her situation and the suitability of filing for bankruptcy protection. Experienced bankruptcy lawyers at the Edina office of Neff Law Firm, P.A., may be able to assist a debtor when he or she is experiencing financial difficulties due to investments turning bad, overextended credit, Adjustable mortgage that has changed rates so that it can not be paid, past due mortgage obligations, unpaid auto loans, creditor harassment, foreclosure, or other related concerns. Financial pressures can negatively impact a person’s life in many different ways. Basic bankruptcy information can be very useful in helping a person better understand options that may be available to them when he or she are experiencing deep financial pressures.

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Legal assistance in considering Filing Bankruptcy

A Basic Legal Service bankruptcy lawyer can provide legal assistance to a debtor in considering fing bankruptcy. For over twenty years these consumer bankruptcy lawyers have assisted debtor's with filing a bankruptcy. A well informed Minneapolis lawyer at the Edina office or well informed St. Paul lawyer at the Roseville office of Neff Law Firm, P.A., is availabe to discuss debtor-creditor situations. An experienced Minnesota consumer bankruptcy lawyer from Neff Law Firm, P.A., can meet with a debtor to discuss his or her concerns related to matters such as past due mortgage installment payments,home improvement loan related debt, car loan payments, contract for deed installments, past due credit card payments or other similar financial obligations. A knowledgable Edina consumer bankruptcy lawyer or Roseville consumer bankruptcy lawyer is available to meet and discuss the facts of a debtor's situation and the bankruptcy law. These Twin Cities consumer bankruptcy attorneys can help a debtor make an informed decision in reviewing options that may be available in dealing with debt including filing for bankruptcy relief.

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A Basic Legal Service provides bankruptcy help in Minnesota

A Basic Legal Service has bankruptcy lawyers available to provide legal help to people throughout Minnesota including people living in Minneapolis, St. Paul, Edina, Roseville, Bloomington, Golden Valley, St. Louis Park, Egan, Eden Prairie, Hopkins, Minnetonka, Wayzata, Mound, Chaska, New Brighton, Excelsior, Shakopee, Richfield, Orono, Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center, Anoka,Columbia Heights, Plymouth and Maple Grove.

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Bankruptcy questions may be addressed at office meeting

A Basic Legal Service provides convenient twin cities office locations for debtors to ask questions of the firms lawyers. Meetings can be set up for the debtor to review his or her financial situation with a knowledgable Minnesota bankruptcy lawyer. Meetings can be set up with either a Minneapolis bankruptcy lawyer from the Edina office or a St. Paul bankruptcy lawyer from the Roseville office for a confidential conference. These consumer bankruptcy lawyers are sensitive to the terrible toll that financial pressures can play on a persons life. A confidential meeting with a compassionate and knowledgable bankruptcy lawyer can be helpful. At the consultation a person can discuss his or financial pressures, have questions answered and explore available options to get relief. Questions related to how consumer bankruptcy filings are handled may be addressed. Another related concern is how a bankruptcy court and the bankruptcy code may treat a debtor's application for financial relief. The firm's Minnesota bankruptcy attorney may explain as needed basic information related to bankruptcy filings, bankruptcy forms, relevant bankruptcy law, Minnesota garnishment law, stopping debtor harassment, dealing with credit problems, repossession law in Minnesota, mortgage foreclosure, dealing with collection agencies, harassment for payment on credit card, creditor harassment at employment, penalties for defaulting on loan, how to stop wage garnishment, credit card harassment, predatory lending practices, legal rights of people facing repossession, debtor's rights, and creditor's rights.

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Convenient locations in Roseville and Edina
to meet with a Neff Law Firm, P.A., lawyer

A Basic Legal Service provides knowledgeable Minneapolis bankruptcy lawyers and St. Paul bankruptcy lawyers at its' twin cities offices. The Minnesota bankruptcy attorneys at A Basic Legal Service have the knowledge, experience and dedication to efficiently and effectively assist you if you are experiencing financial difficulty. An attorney from Neff Law Firm, P.A., will consult with you on your financial situation and discuss with you your options. If you have missed or are in danger of missing mortgage payments, automobile loan payments, contract for deed payments, other secured debt payments or have received notice from your mortgage company that it is considering foreclosure, it is especially important that you move in a timely manner to meet with a knowledgeable debtor's rights attorney.

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Bankruptcy help in the twin cities and throughout Minnesota

A Basic Legal Service has Minnesota bankruptcy attorneys who have the knowledge, experience and dedication to efficiently and effectively assist a debtor experiencing financial pressures and needing to do a bankruptcy. A Twin Cities attorney from the firm will consult with a debtor to go over his or her particular situation. These Minnesota bankruptcy lawyers are available to provide legal help to people in need of a bankruptcy with crimes throughout Minnesota including people living in Minneapolis, St. Paul, Edina, Roseville, Bloomington, Golden Valley, St. Louis Park, Egan, Eden Prairie, Hopkins, Minnetonka,Wayzata, Mound, Chaska, Excelsior, Shakopee, Richfield, Orono, Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center, Anoka, Columbia Heights, Plymouth and Maple Grove. For legal help please call the central scheduling number of 952-831-6555 to set up an appointment to meet for a consultation with an experienced Minnesota bankruptcy attorney in the Minneapolis - St. Paul metropolitan area (Twin Cities) at either the Edina or Roseville Minnesota offices.

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We are a debt relief agency.
We help people file for relief under the bankruptcy code.

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